We offer
scientific & evidence based holistic programmes
tailored specifically to the needs
of each individual guest.
In this video Brynawel graduate Nikita shares how her time with us changed her life and outlook.

Group Therapy
This video offers a rare look inside one of our group sessions...
Our group work is centred around the concept of relationality. This means that we understand the importance of relationships between all human beings and our interdependence on one another. The focus in group work is on considering the attributes and qualities of relationships that foster healthy personal and emotional growth and development.  
Using this therapeutic model, connections with other group members can be mutual, creative, and empowering for all participants. This is fundamental to the group’s psychological well-being and reinforces the focus of group work on our residents interacting as a community.
The creation of these positive, mutually enhancing connections is exceptionally useful in helping individuals break out of patterns of substance use. When we experience being truly known, without ridicule, or judgement, we can freely express ourselves without the use of substances or other ineffective response patterns.  
We provide a space to be listened to, alongside an opportunity to compare how other group members perceptions and ideas compare with their own experiences. This process allows new ideas to emerge, old beliefs patterns to change, and new emotional experiences to develop. Relational group therapy provides validation, dependability, and safety, helping to end feelings of shame and healing trauma, all contributory factors towards the cessation of substance use.

At Brynawel every resident is assigned a dedicated therapist who is a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
You will have the opportunity to explore your life experiences, thoughts, feelings and behaviour in one to one sessions to help you make sense of how these affect your life, sense of self and behaviours.
Your therapist will work with you to help you to arrive at solutions which will help you make the changes to your life that you are aiming for. The therapy we offer is trauma informed. We have therapists trained in a number of therapeutic modalities including cognitive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, systemic therapy and transactional analysis.
Our Therapy team deliver interventions on a group and individual basis providing guests with a safe, supportive space in which to explore personal issues.
Our recovery workers support the therapeutic approach within Brynawel by providing support to residents to develop care plans according to need as well as in the provision of practical support.

Individual Therapy

Experiential Therapy

For the vast majority of guests coming to Brynawel Rehab, prolonged periods of dependency have generally overtaken their desire and/or ability to actively participate in life activities. At Brynawel Rehab, experiential learning forms part of the group sessions and takes place within our grounds as well as a number of external settings within the South Wales area, where a guests engage in a range of variety of physical, emotional and mental challenges.
The aim of experiential therapy for the guest is:
As an individual, enable them to:
Learn to trust and on occasions rely on others to succeed in certain activities.
Learn to communicate effectively.
Learn to rebuild personal self-confidence.
And, within a group
Experience physical and mental challenges resulting in group success.

Alternative therapies are provided by our Team to assist our residents in their rehabilitative needs. Art Therapy, yoga, meditation and mindfulness are all a part of our weekly timetable.
There are regular mindfulness sessions and walks to allow residents the opportunity take in the natural beauty of the surrounding forests, hills, rivers and beaches.
Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better.
When we become more aware of the present moment, we begin to experience afresh things that we have been taking for granted and a peace and happiness naturally arises from within.
“I never thought I would find anything better than heroin...
This is better.”
Brynawel Graduate Phil talking about his new-found spiritual life.

Alternative Therapy

Gardening and Green Therapy
the joy of soil
Social and therapeutic horticulture, sometimes referred to as ‘green therapy, is the process of improving wellbeing through plants. Many people find it helps their physical and mental wellbeing to be actively involved in spending time with nature. Brynawel have a Horticultural Therapist and an enthusiastic group of volunteer gardeners.
We aim to tailor our therapy and wellbeing gardening opportunities to meet a person’s individual needs. Planting, growing and nurturing plants in a safe and calm environment can often give people the chance to relax and talk in a supportive space

Thanks to our ‘Places for Nature’ award from Keep Wales Tidy we have been able to provide a nature garden for the clients and volunteers of Brynawel and the surrounding community.
In 2023 we were delighted to receive a Community Land Advisory Service Cymru Community Management award. The CLAS awards are run by Social Farms and Gardens to acknowledge the community management of green spaces.

Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales planting ‘Sweet William’ seeds during their visit to Brynawel in 2023.

Canine Assisted
Harriet, former guide dog
Myfi... what more to say?
Rescue cat Tony has made Brynawel
his home #notadog
Dogs have been used in the delivery of therapy since the early twentieth century.
Studies have shown that canine assisted therapy can increase the mood-boosting hormone oxytocin as well as decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. Pet therapy has also been shown to improve people’s satisfaction, energy levels, self-esteem and mood as well as decreasing depression.
When present in therapy, dogs can work as a great ‘ice breaker’ in both one-to-one and group sessions by making people feel more at ease, as well as lifting the spirits of patients on ward visits. Petting or stroking a dog can help with high blood pressure and stress levels.
Studies have found that just the presence of a dog can significantly help lower levels of anxiety and a survey by The Dog’s Trust found that 95% of dog owners in Britain believe that interacting with their dog made them happier, with 89% saying they talk to their dog when no one else is around.
Brynawel has two therapy dogs, who have been assessed as suitable as therapy dogs by the awesome charity Pets as Therapy.
Harriet. Our ‘Director of Well-being’
Harriet is super affectionate and loves to lay her head on your lap for strokes and fuss. After working hard as a registered Guide Dog she now works at Brynawel, attending therapy sessions, enjoying group walks with our guests and Staff.
Myfi. Our ‘Director of Happiness’
Mifi is a 16 month old St Bernard. Myfie’s favourite past times are sleeping and eating. She will happily snooze, snore and roll over for tummy rubs. She loves attention but is not overly keen on a long walk, unless there is a promise of food at the end of it.

At Brynawel Rehab we value the role of the family in treating dependency and family counselling forms an integral part of our residential treatment programme. The counselling is often short term and comprises of 6 sessions, although this can be tailored to suit individual guests needs.
Family counselling can be useful in any family situation that causes stress, such as when a member of the family is drinking heavily. It can help you and your family members understand one another better and bring you closer together.
Our sessions teach you skills to deepen family connections and explore past communication patterns, and develop healthy ways of communicating. It can also help the family to understand and set healthy boundaries, explore the concept of enabling and to develop or renew intimacy within family relationships.
The counselling sessions can include all family members, although we understand that sometimes it can be difficult for family members to attend counselling because of work commitments etc, but every effort is made to accommodate this whenever possible.

Family Counselling

At Brynawel we have a support worker dedicated to caring for our graduates. For a full year after graduating our leavers can engage with our aftercare support services. This includes home visits, graduate away days, regular check-ins and crisis support if it is needed.
Many of our graduates come back to volunteer at Brynawel to maintain their connection with us and some, when the time is right have joined the team as staff members!

Family and Carer Support

Niamh is our support coordinator
We know that family members of our client group often experience unmet needs. Addiction can affect both the person with substance use disorder as well as their caregivers. Family members although often not seeing themselves as carers in the usual sense, often develop significant levels of stress, anger, depression, shame, guilt, anxiety, and behavioural problems within the family unit.
To address this need we are offering a dedicated family support group, that will meet once a month on a Sunday.
There will also be 1 to 1 support available by appointment regardless of if you choose to attend the Sunday groups.
For more information call 01443 226864 or email niamh@brynawelhouse.org
Contact Us

Your successful recovery is only one conversation away. So contact us. We're here to help you take the most important first step, whenever you are ready.