We use our admissions process to assess the suitability of what we can offer a prospective guest and whether our range of treatments and services are the right ones for them.

The first step towards admission is a referral. We are open to private referrals as well as referrals from local authorities.
If you or a friend / relative is interested in coming into us at Brynawel you can self-refer using our online referral form and a member of staff will be in touch to talk you through the process and arrange an assessment.
If coming in privately is not an option, you will need to contact the community substance misuse team in your local area. Once a referral has been received you will progress onto an assessment.
We encourage face-to-face assessments where possible and find it very beneficial for all potential guests to visit Brynawel, spend time looking around, and generally getting a feel for what life is like here.
The assessment is an integral part of our treatment programme as it determines the suitability of placement for our guests and vice versa. Ensuring that our programme and facilities are the correct choice for guests helps promote motivation and success.
The assessment process typically lasts between forty and sixty minutes and is conducted by our admissions and discharge coordinator alongside a member of our therapy team. During this time we will provide information on our services and determine the guests needs. It is also a chance for prospective guests to ask any questions they have about the services we provide.
After the assessment, the team meets to discuss the suitability of the guest and will then get in touch with the guest or referring worker regarding our decision, depending on the route of admission you go down.
If the guest is successful they will be given a prospective date of admission and will be added to our waiting list.
Contact Us

If you would like to know more about the admission process please get in touch.